Love Street Counselling's blog

Ramblings and side notes with the occasional foray into a mental health topic

unicorn utopia

What a few good days can do

Someone online once said there’s a thing called “the three sleeps rule”, meaning whatever ails you, 90% of the time it can be alleviated by three good nights’ sleep. I’m a believer.

Now I’ll grant you this – it isn’t straightforward to get your good night’s sleep if you’re feeling anxious or depressed. So it might be more of a correlation thing than a causation thing. If you’re just lying there with horrible, negative thoughts racing through your head let’s face it, a good night’s sleep is unlikely to happen. That’s when you have a serious chat with your GP, therapist, or a mental health professional.

But I will say this, if you do manage three good nights of sleep you will come out the other side more grounded and focused than you thought you could be. And that’s because you are! You’ve built your neural pathways up again, maybe reinforced some healthy habits, and you can feel this in a concrete way just by listening to your breath and your resting heart rate.

And you’ll have your idiosyncrasies as well. My eyelid likes to twitch a lot when I am under great stress. Digestive issues as well – I can’t take food if I’m scared of what tomorrow will bring. Like I’ve said before, I’m great at somatizing things! I will literally have allergies that are caused by nothing more than negative thinking. And I think that’s valid. When I’m blowing my nose or sneezing ten times in a row, that’s not “all in my head” it’s very real.

So where am I going with all this? Not sure, just wanted to post something positive. Hope there’s something that someone might take away from all this. If not, then this will remain here on my silly website where I post my stupid stuff and I think that’s beautiful. Take care.